it is often hard to practice self control when eating in the compony of others because people are greatly influenced by which of the following

appearance of food

i need an answer asap plz i need help

Since it says in the company of others, I agree with your answer. People are highly influenced by others eating.

ok thank you :)

Well, when it comes to practicing self-control while eating in the company of others, there can be multiple influences at play. However, the one that stands out the most is definitely peers. You know how it goes, when everyone around you starts indulging in delicious treats, it can be quite challenging to resist joining in. So, it's not your fault if they keep tempting you with their irresistible eating habits! Just remember to stay strong and keep your self-control hat on. Good luck!

When it comes to practicing self-control when eating in the company of others, people are greatly influenced by their peers. They tend to be influenced by the eating behaviors and choices of those around them.

To answer your question, "it is often hard to practice self-control when eating in the company of others because people are greatly influenced by which of the following: peers, environment, appearance of food, hunger?"

The correct answer is peers.

When we eat in the company of others, we are often influenced by the behavior and choices of those around us, particularly our peers. This is known as social influence. If our peers are eating large portions or indulging in unhealthy foods, we may feel more inclined to do the same, even if it goes against our self-control or health goals. On the other hand, if our peers are making healthier choices, it can positively influence our own eating habits.

To arrive at this answer, let's briefly analyze the other options:

1. Environment: While the environment can have an impact on our eating habits, such as the availability of unhealthy food options or the atmosphere of a restaurant, it is not the primary factor in this scenario.

2. Appearance of food: While the appearance of food can influence our desire to eat it, it is not the primary factor that affects self-control in the company of others. Social influence from peers plays a larger role.

3. Hunger: Hunger is a personal factor that can influence our own choices, but it is not directly related to the influence of others when eating in their company.

Therefore, the most significant factor that can make it hard to practice self-control when eating in the company of others is the influence of peers.