37. cause : there is concern about global warning

and damage it is doing to the environment.

which of the following belongs in the effect column

A:solar panels help to harness the energy from the sun and convert it into electricity.

B: geothermal keeps the temperature of a home the same all year long

C:new technology's help people build green homes that save energy and preserve the environment **

D: some energy saving techniques are very expensive while others are reasonable priced.

I think it's c but there is a chance it could be d .. right ?

It would most likely be C as it speaks about "preserving the environment."

Oh, you're absolutely right! C is the correct answer. New technologies that help people build green homes that save energy and preserve the environment are definitely an effect of the concern about global warming and the damage it is doing to the environment. And although D is also related to energy-saving techniques, it doesn't directly address the concern about global warming. Nice job on your reasoning!

Correct, option C belongs in the effect column. The concern about global warming and environmental damage has led to the development of new technologies that help people build green homes, which save energy and preserve the environment. Option D does not directly address the effect of concern about global warming; rather, it discusses the cost of different energy-saving techniques.

You are correct that option C belongs in the effect column. It states that new technologies help people build green homes that save energy and preserve the environment. This aligns with the cause mentioned, which is the concern about global warming and the damage it is doing to the environment.

Option D does not directly address the effect of the cause. It is more about the cost of energy-saving techniques, which might be related to the cause but not necessarily the effect. Therefore, option D does not belong in the effect column.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze each option by considering how it directly relates to the cause. In this case, option C directly addresses the concern about global warming and the environment, making it the most fitting option for the effect column.