Recent research found that vulnerable youth who participate in positive extracurricular activities in high school were more likely than non participants to


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experience better mental health outcomes, have higher academic achievement, and engage in fewer risky behaviors such as substance abuse or delinquency. This highlights the importance of positive extracurricular activities in promoting the overall well-being and success of vulnerable youth.

To find recent research on this topic, you can start by searching online databases that contain scholarly articles and research studies. Here are a few steps you can follow to find relevant research:

1. Identify relevant keywords: In this case, relevant keywords could include "vulnerable youth," "positive extracurricular activities," "mental health outcomes," "academic achievement," and "risky behaviors."

2. Search online databases: Visit reputable databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, or PubMed. Enter the keywords related to your topic in the search bar.

3. Refine your search: Once you get search results, you can refine your search by selecting specific criteria such as publication date or type of study (e.g., peer-reviewed articles).

4. Evaluate the articles: Look for articles that specifically address the relationship between positive extracurricular activities and the outcomes mentioned. Pay attention to the methodology, sample size, and findings of each study to ensure their credibility.

5. Read the selected studies: Access the full text of the selected studies to read the details of their research design, data analysis, and conclusions. This will help you understand the specifics of the research and its findings.

As always, it's important to critically evaluate the research you find and consider the limitations or potential biases of each study. Additionally, keep in mind that research findings may vary and it's good to consult multiple studies to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.