Which ratio forms a proportion with 9/15 ?

a) 6/10
b) 16/21
c) 36/50
d) 45/70
idk the answer, please help.

First off, you can simplify 9/15 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 3. So it's 3/5.

A - 6/10 simplifies into 3/5 also
B - 16/21 can't simplify so no
C - 36/50 = 18/25 can't simplify so no
D - 45/70 = 9/14 can't simplify so no

thank you, ian!

If you have a typo, it would be 45/75 or 36/60.

@psyDAG it's not a typo.

No problem :)

To find the ratio that forms a proportion with 9/15, we need to simplify the fraction 9/15 and then find a ratio that is equivalent to the simplified fraction. Here's how:

Step 1: Simplify the fraction 9/15:
To simplify a fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 9 and 15 is 3.
Therefore, the simplified fraction is (9/3) / (15/3) = 3/5.

Step 2: Find a ratio that is equivalent to 3/5:
To find an equivalent ratio, we can multiply the numerator and the denominator of the simplified fraction by the same number.
For example, if we multiply both 3 and 5 by 2, the equivalent ratio would be (3*2) / (5*2) = 6/10.

Now, let's check each of the options to see which one forms a proportion with the simplifed fraction 3/5:

a) 6/10: We already found this as an equivalent ratio to 3/5.
b) 16/21: This is not equivalent because it cannot be simplified further.
c) 36/50: This can be simplified to 18/25, which is not equivalent to 3/5.
d) 45/70: This can be simplified to 9/14, which is not equivalent to 3/5.

So, the only ratio that forms a proportion with 9/15 (or 3/5) is a) 6/10.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) 6/10.