Sennacherib explains in his own words on a tablet that was discovered by archaeologists: "He [Hezekiah a Hebrew king,] sent [a convoy] after me to Nineveh, my royal city with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, jewels, antimony ... couches of ivory, easy chairs inlaid with ivory, elephants' hides, elephants' tusks ... all kinds of valuable treasures, and his daughters, his harem, and male and female singers."

Describe the tribute that the Hebrew king Hezekiah sent to the Assyrians? What does the type of tribute lead us to believe about the lifestyle of the ancient Hebrews?

According to the tablet discovered by archaeologists, Hezekiah, the Hebrew king, sent a convoy to the Assyrian king Sennacherib in Nineveh as tribute. The tribute included 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, jewels, antimony, couches of ivory, easy chairs inlaid with ivory, elephants' hides, elephants' tusks, and various valuable treasures. Additionally, Hezekiah sent his daughters, harem, and male and female singers as part of the tribute.

The type of tribute sent by Hezekiah indicates a certain level of wealth and luxury among the ancient Hebrews. The presence of gold, silver, jewels, and ivory shows that the Hebrew king had access to valuable resources and materials. Moreover, the inclusion of luxury items such as couches and chairs inlaid with ivory, as well as the possession of elephants' hides and tusks, suggests a refined lifestyle and a certain level of sophistication.

Furthermore, the inclusion of Hezekiah's daughters, harem, and singers in the tribute signifies the importance of cultural and entertainment aspects in the ancient Hebrew society. It suggests that music, entertainment, and the presence of female companions were highly valued and played a significant role in the Hebrew court. This indicates that the ancient Hebrews had a diverse and rich cultural life.

Overall, the tribute sent by Hezekiah points towards a lifestyle of wealth, luxury, and cultural refinement among the ancient Hebrews.