A costumer went to a garden shop and bought soil for $12.50 and 6 shrubs. If the total bill is $71.00 how much did shrub cost?

when you answer please show me how you got that specific answer!

cost of 1 shrub --- x

6x + 12.5 = 71

solve for x

To find the cost of the shrubs, we need to subtract the cost of the soil from the total bill. Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Begin with the total bill: $71.00
2. Subtract the cost of the soil: $71.00 - $12.50 = $58.50
3. The remaining amount, $58.50, is the total cost of the shrubs.
4. Now, divide the total cost of the shrubs by the number of shrubs to find the cost of each shrub.
$58.50 รท 6 = $9.75

Therefore, each shrub costs $9.75.