The mass of the Earth is about 6 × 1024 kg and the mass of the moon is about 7 × 1022 kg. The distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 3.8 × 108 m.

The magnitude of the gravitational force between is closest to which of these?
1.2×1020 N 2.5×1018 N 3.3×1022 N 4.3×1019 N 5.1×1021 N


To calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force between two objects, we can use the equation:

F = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2

Where F is the gravitational force, G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2), m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between the centers of the two objects.

In this case, we have:

m1 = mass of the Earth = 6 × 10^24 kg
m2 = mass of the Moon = 7 × 10^22 kg
r = distance between the Earth and the Moon = 3.8 × 10^8 m

Plugging these values into the equation, we get:

F = (6.67 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2) * (6 × 10^24 kg) * (7 × 10^22 kg) / (3.8 × 10^8 m)^2

Simplifying the equation, we get:

F = (6.67 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2) * (6 × 10^24 kg) * (7 × 10^22 kg) / (3.8 × 10^8 m * 3.8 × 10^8 m)

F = 1.2 × 10^20 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon is closest to 1.2 × 10^20 N. So the correct answer is 1.2 × 10^20 N.