The density of an object with a volume of 60.0mL and mass of 400.0g is

1 0.150 g/mL
2 2.89 g/mL
3 5.50 g/mL
4 6.67 g/mL ***

Structures and Properties of Matter Unit Test of Science

this for Connexus students to help with the answers here they are but i cant do the ones that are writing questions i'm not sure if they're correct or not.
2.molecules in solid,liquid, and gas phases
3. 6.67 g/ml
5.The ice cube and the glass of water have lower heat capacities than the swimming pool.
6. a chemical change
7.B and D
8.The table molecules were vibrating more slowly in that area
9.The overall mass before a reaction is equal to the overall mass
10.They are different states of matter
11.Pure substances have different chemicals and physical property
12.Its appearance changed
13. Column A shows physical changes;Column B shows chemical changes
These answers are 100percent right just match it with the questions u have if it looks weird or different rearrangement from mine.

This is correct, good job Zoe.


Is Cheez itz correct?

Cheez itz are correct 100%, thank you.

Cheez itz has big brain

To find the density of an object, you need to divide its mass by its volume. In this case, the volume of the object is given as 60.0 mL and the mass is given as 400.0 g.

So, to calculate the density, you can use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

Plugging in the values:

Density = 400.0 g / 60.0 mL

Now, in order to calculate the density, you need to convert the volume from mL to g/mL, since the mass is given in grams.

To convert mL to g/mL, you need to know the density of the substance. Since the density is not given in the question, we can't convert the volume directly. Therefore, we can't determine the exact density of the object.

However, we can still evaluate the given options. Let's check them one by one:

Option 1: 0.150 g/mL
Option 2: 2.89 g/mL
Option 3: 5.50 g/mL
Option 4: 6.67 g/mL ***

Since the mass is 400.0 g and the volume is 60.0 mL, to calculate the density, we divide 400.0 g by 60.0 mL:

Density = 400.0 g / 60.0 mL ≈ 6.67 g/mL

Therefore, the correct answer is option 4, 6.67 g/mL.