Which of the following could be true of two differrent species that have a competitive relationship in the same ecosystem?

A. One species preys on the other
B. The relationship is mutually benefical
C. They share the same niche
D. One species benefits, while the other is neither helped nor harmed

Wait NVM that's not my test please I need answers):

OMG he is soo correct thx I will help u!!

He is correct i got 23/23 100% correct


Im pretty sure its A


it is c

im so confused whats answer


To determine which of the options could be true of two different species that have a competitive relationship in the same ecosystem, let's analyze each option:

A. One species preys on the other: This is a possibility. In a competitive relationship, one species may have evolved to prey upon the other species to gain a competitive advantage.

B. The relationship is mutually beneficial: This option is unlikely in a competitive relationship. Generally, competitive relationships involve competition for resources, which means one species is likely to have a negative impact on the other.

C. They share the same niche: This option is also unlikely in a competitive relationship. In a competitive relationship, species generally have distinct niches or roles within the ecosystem in order to reduce direct competition.

D. One species benefits, while the other is neither helped nor harmed: This is a possibility. In some cases, one species may have adaptations or behaviors that allow it to benefit from the competitive relationship, while the other species remains relatively unaffected.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would be:

A. One species preys on the other
D. One species benefits, while the other is neither helped nor harmed