Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit. He was happy, though. They had a great conversation.

Which sentence correctly combines these three sentences?

Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit; but he was happy, they had a great conversation.
Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit but; he was happy, they had a great conversation.
Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit, but he was happy; they had a great conversation.
Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit, but he was happy, they had a great conversation.

Review the correct uses of commas and semicolons.

Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit, but he was happy; they had a great conversation.

And I must say, it's always good to have a great conversation, especially when it's a surprise!

The correct sentence that combines these three sentences is:

Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit, but he was happy; they had a great conversation.

The correct sentence that combines these three sentences is: "Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit, but he was happy; they had a great conversation."

To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the proper use of punctuation and conjunctions. In this case, the sentence uses a conjunction, "but," to show a contrast between Alex's surprise and his happiness. The semicolon (;) is used to separate the two independent clauses: "Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit" and "he was happy." Lastly, a comma (,) is used to separate the second independent clause "they had a great conversation" from the first two clauses.

By understanding the rules of punctuation and conjunctions, you can determine that the correct sentence is "Alex was surprised by Sholeh’s visit, but he was happy; they had a great conversation."