Which sentence has both an action verb and a linking verb?

A. When the movie ended, the audience applauded.
B. That story was exciting, and its ending was a big surprise!
C. The trees look bare after they lose their leaves.
D. The museum has a new dinosaur exhibit that features dinosaur egg fossils.

Is it B

movie ended = action, audience applauded = action

was exciting and is suprise = states of being, linking
look bare = state of being, linking , lose leaves is action *****
Has new = action, features = action

To identify a sentence that has both an action verb and a linking verb, we need to understand the roles of these two types of verbs.

An action verb expresses physical or mental action. It describes what the subject of the sentence is doing.

A linking verb, on the other hand, connects the subject of the sentence with a word that provides additional information about the subject. It does not show action but rather describes a state of being or condition.

Let's examine each sentence option and identify the presence of an action verb and a linking verb:

A. When the movie ended, the audience applauded.
This sentence has an action verb "applauded" which describes the physical action of the audience.

B. That story was exciting, and its ending was a big surprise!
In this sentence, the word "was" is a linking verb. It connects the subject "that story" with the adjective "exciting," which describes the state of the story. The word "was" is not an action verb.

C. The trees look bare after they lose their leaves.
In this sentence, the verb "look" is linking verb. It connects the subject "trees" with the adjective "bare," describing the state or condition of the trees. However, there is no action verb present in this sentence.

D. The museum has a new dinosaur exhibit that features dinosaur egg fossils.
In this sentence, the verb "has" is a linking verb. It connects the subject "museum" with the noun phrase "new dinosaur exhibit." The word "features" is an action verb, as it describes the action of showcasing dinosaur egg fossils.

Based on the analysis above, the sentence that has both an action verb and a linking verb is:

D. The museum has a new dinosaur exhibit that features dinosaur egg fossils.