Using set notation (union, intersection, complement,etc.) write the following subset in terms of T,V,S: the set of potters selling vases and tableware, but not sculptures. My answer: (VintersectT) intersect S complement

To write the specified subset in terms of set notation, you are correct in using the concepts of union, intersection, and complement. Let's break down the subset step by step:

1. The set of potters selling vases: This can be represented as V.

2. The set of potters selling tableware: This can be represented as T.

3. The set of potters selling sculptures: This can be represented as S.

4. "Selling vases and tableware" means you need to consider the intersection of V and T. This can be represented as V ∩ T.

5. "But not sculptures" means you need to exclude the set S. So, you would take the complement of S, denoted as S'.

6. Finally, you need to intersect the result of step 4 (V ∩ T) with the complement of S (S'). This can be written as (V ∩ T) ∩ S'.

Therefore, the subset you are looking for, in terms of T, V, and S, can be written as (V ∩ T) ∩ S'.