What is 2.28 × 10^-8 in standard form?

I know the answer is 0.0000000228. Could someone write out the equation of how to solve this?

move the decimal point the number of places as the exponent of 10

... negative is to the left, positive to the right

eg. 1.4 x 10^-3 =.0014 ... decimal point 3 places left

Thank you!!

To convert a number from scientific notation (also known as standard form) to decimal form, you need to consider the exponent of 10. In this case, the exponent is negative, which means you will move the decimal point to the left.

Here's the equation for converting 2.28 × 10^-8 to decimal form:

2.28 × 10^-8 = 0.0000000228

To solve this, you need to move the decimal point 8 places to the left, as the exponent is -8. Therefore, the resulting number is 0.0000000228.

I hope that clarifies the process of converting a number from scientific notation to decimal form!