What is thr Literary Technique Used in the story I keesh


The literary technique used in the story "I Keesh" is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a technique where the author provides hints or clues about future events in the story. It builds suspense and helps readers anticipate what might happen next.

To identify the literary technique used in a story, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the story carefully: Read the story closely, paying attention to the events, dialogue, and descriptions presented.

2. Look for hints or clues: Pay attention to any details in the story that seem significant or recurring. These details might hint at something that will happen later in the plot.

3. Analyze character reactions: Observe how the characters in the story respond to certain events or situations. Sometimes, their reactions can provide clues about what will happen next.

4. Consider themes or motifs: Identify any recurring themes or motifs in the story. The author might use these to foreshadow future events or developments.

In the case of "I Keesh," you can look for instances where the author drops subtle hints about Keesh's skills, intelligence, or unique perspective. For example, the author might mention how Keesh is observant, resourceful, or has a deep understanding of the environment. These details can foreshadow Keesh's eventual success or the solution he discovers later in the story.

By examining the story in this way, you can identify the literary technique used and gain a deeper understanding of the author's intent in the narrative.