The passage is : Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington

2.Which of these best defines the form of this passage
A.Persuasive speech
B.expository essay
C.autobiographical narrative

3.the author of this passage proud of a decision he made in his youth
B.has many regrets about his childhood
C.daydreams about his past
D.resents his mother for the name she gave him

4.Which excerpt from the selection supports the answer to the previous question?
A.I was in deep perplexity, because I knew that the teacher would demand of me at least two names and I had only one
B.Before going to school it had never occurred to me that’s it was needful or appropriate to have a additional name
C.when I heard the school-roll called I noticed that all of the children had at least two names, and some of them indulged in what seemed to me the extravagance of having three
D.I think there are not many men in our country who have had the privilege of naming themselves in the way I have

Please help me!!

Have you read the passage? I have not.

Be sure you read and re-read the passage with these particular questions in mind. That's the best way to determine correct answers.

Another thing you might try — one question at a time — is to cross out the obviously wrong answer choices so you can concentrate on the ones left. Typically, these kinds of tests have 2 obviously wrong answer choices.

Try Googling "up from slavery summary". Read carefully.

Vicky, it is not random stuff. We will lead them to potential answers. We do not do homework for students. Although it might take more effort to do the work on their own, they will profit more from their effort. We will be happy to evaluate their work though.

Hello this is the staff of the connections academy we are aware that this is an assignment that our team has put together for our program,and if you are unaware this is a test asking for help , other than your homeroom teacher is using and outside source, which is cheating , if we do find the user who is using this site we will look back on our program and we will see your progress ,if there are any signs of using any outside resources you will get an automatic zero for that asighnmet.

Thank you,
Connections academy staff

I did re read it and I just can’t get it

To determine the answers to these questions, let's analyze the passage and the options provided.

2. Which of these best defines the form of this passage?
To answer this question, we need to understand the different forms listed: persuasive speech, expository essay, autobiographical narrative, and biography.

- A persuasive speech aims to convince or persuade the audience about a certain viewpoint or idea.
- An expository essay presents information, explains a topic, or analyzes a concept.
- An autobiographical narrative tells a story about the author's own life.
- A biography is a written account of someone's life written by another person.

Based on the options, the most suitable form for "Up from Slavery" by Booker T. Washington would be C. autobiographical narrative. This is because the passage provides personal insights and experiences from Washington's own life.

3. The author of this passage:
To answer this question, we need to refer back to the passage and the description of the author's feelings or attitudes towards his past.

- A. If the author is proud of a decision he made in his youth, there should be evidence in the passage that reflects this sentiment.
- B. If the author has many regrets about his childhood, the passage should convey a sense of remorse or negativity towards his early life.
- C. If the author daydreams about his past, there should be indications of his mind drifting or reminiscing.
- D. If the author resents his mother for the name she gave him, the passage should include negative feelings towards his name or mother.

To find the answer, we should examine the passage and look for any mentions or expressions of the author's feelings about his past.

4. Which excerpt from the selection supports the answer to the previous question?
By analyzing the options provided, we can refer back to the passage to identify which excerpt aligns with the author's emotions or attitudes.

Let's examine each option:

- A. "I was in deep perplexity because I knew that the teacher would demand of me at least two names, and I had only one."
- B. "Before going to school, it had never occurred to me that it was needful or appropriate to have an additional name."
- C. "When I heard the school-roll called, I noticed that all of the children had at least two names, and some of them indulged in what seemed to me the extravagance of having three."
- D. "I think there are not many men in our country who have had the privilege of naming themselves in the way I have."

To determine the answer, we need to look for the option that provides evidence of the author's feelings or attitudes. Check for any indications of pride, regret, daydreaming, or resentment.

From the provided excerpts, option D. "I think there are not many men in our country who have had the privilege of naming themselves in the way I have" supports the idea that the author is proud of a decision he made in his youth. This statement implies that he values the privilege of naming himself, suggesting a positive sentiment.

So, the answers to your questions are:

2. C. Autobiographical narrative
3. A. is proud of a decision he made in his youth
4. D. "I think there are not many men in our country who have had the privilege of naming themselves in the way I have"