motorcycle manufactor says that it expects to build 143,000 motorcycle this year up from 133,000 last year. find the percent of increase in production

To calculate the percentage increase in production, you need to find the difference between this year's production and last year's production, and then divide it by last year's production. Finally, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Let's go step by step:

1. Find the difference in production:
Difference = This year's production - Last year's production
Difference = 143,000 - 133,000
Difference = 10,000

2. Calculate the percentage Increase:
Percentage Increase = (Difference / Last year's production) × 100
Percentage Increase = (10,000 / 133,000) × 100
Percentage Increase ≈ 7.52%

Therefore, the percentage increase in production is approximately 7.52%.

What is (143000-133000)/133000 * 100%?