Based on the concept of graphing inequalities, what are the steps to graph the inequality x ≥ 5?

To graph the inequality x ≥ 5, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by drawing a number line. Label it with numbers, including 5, and use an arrow on one end to show that the number line continues indefinitely.

Step 2: Find the point on the number line that corresponds to x = 5. Mark this point with an open circle (○) because the inequality is x ≥ 5, which means x can be equal to 5.

Step 3: Since the inequality is x ≥ 5, shade the region to the right of the marked point. This indicates all the possible values of x that are greater than or equal to 5.

That's it! The shaded region on the number line represents the graph of the inequality x ≥ 5.

Remember, an open circle (○) is used when the inequality includes a "greater than" or "less than" symbol, indicating that the value can be equal to the boundary.