Create an abstract image showcasing symbols for presidency, congress, reconciliation, differing opinions, and restoration. Include symbolic elements for a fast pace, softness and hardness, granting rights (carefully avoiding any individual or group depictions), and allegiance oath. The image should ideally invoke a sense of revived unity, difference in approaches, and historical context, but without any text.

Which is true regarding how presidential and congressional reconstruction plans differed?

A The president wanted to bring seceded states back into the Union as quickly as possible.

B The president believed that Congress would be too soft on Southern

C Congress refused to grant African Americans citizenship rights.

D Congress president wanted to pardon southerners if they took an oath of allegiance to the United States.

Fnaf is somewhat correct the right answers are actually

Hope this helps!

now im going to have to lie to my mom

1. The president wanted to bring seceded states back into the Union as quickly as possible

2. It granted African Americans in the United States citizenship and therefore voting rights.
3. He was among 28 black legislators who were expelled from the General Assembly; He became a national spokesman who encouraged black Americans to move to Africa.
4. It was a group of white Democrats who wanted to regain control of the government; The group influenced the voting behaviors of citizens through threats

1. A

3. B andD
4. A and D

Trig is right! 100% Thanks :)

Trig is 100%

1) A
2) B
3) B, D
4) A, D
good luck
9:00 A.M.

thx trig

Trig is 100%

yasssssssssss trig tysm 💯💯💯💯

trigs right

Works 2021! thanks!

100% for connexus 2021!!!

thxs Anonymous! 100%

Trig is right

None ya is right

yessssirrrr yesssirrrr

Trig is 100%

1) A
2) B
3) B, D
4) A, D
good luck

do any one have the answers

Art ^^^

its A


1. A
2. C
3. A AND D
4. B AND D

(i apologize if i got any wrong!!)

Your answer?

.... its actually

thanks for the 50 >:( tordis