How did Emperor Asoka's achievements reflect the ideals of Buddhism?

No, I wasn't

I wasn't the one cheating, and if someone cheats, why do you care? As long as they get good grades while learning it's fine

Plz put in the answer

Why was my answer deleted? I was trying to help him/her

the site didnt help

Can we just get a answer instead of bull crapđź‘Ť

It is not fine. I've devoted my adult life to educating young people.

I am a teacher!

geez that was harsh

Same @Hisoka! Stop tring to be mean to ms. Sue! She is tring to help you and your being SUPER DUPPER rude. Even though its been a year ago! Still STOP BEING SO RUDE TO MS. SUE!!!!

You're expected to read, comprehend, think, and then write.

Let us know what you write if you want your work checked.

Ms. Sue you are so rude to all of the students this is homework HELP not what ever you think it is