"Grade Print express prints T-shirts

and has only two printing machines
X and Y. Machine X prints 64 T-shirts
per hour, while machine Y prints 44
T-shirts in one hour. The company has
an order from Learn Africa Plc to print
1 430 T-shirts and has only 25 hours
to complete the printing. Calculate
how many hours it will take to print
T-shirts on each machine

how did you get 22.3 and 32.5 am so lost

I dont understand

Idiot solve

Pls can you show me the complete steps


Pls sir or ma can you show me the complete step of this simultaneous equation

32 and 2


I'm sorry, I do not understand what you are asking. Could you please provide more context or elaboration on your question?

# shirts = rate * time

so, time = #shirts/rate

1430 = 64 tx

tx =22.3 hours
1430 = 44 ty
ty = 32.5 hours
better use machine x or both.