Please check my answer thank you.

Do you think the correlation to other countries that have a longer life has more to do with the lifestyle choices that these individuals make?

My answer

Yes, I do feel that lifestyle choices these individuals make do contribute to them having a longer life expectancy. ( partly some people are poor etc) I am not sure how to word the rest.

My notes
Life expectancy can be influenced by a number of factors, including quality of care, access to preventive health services. There are other factors such as lifestyle, diet, violence and accidents Life expectancy at birth in the U.S is lower than comparable countries. Many people in the U.S do not eat healthy or exercise.

I'd change "feel" to "believe." (Feelings are different from beliefs!)

I'd change "them having" to "their having" to follow the correct "possessives with gerunds" wording.

Life expectancy can be influenced by a number of factors, including access to quality preventive health services. There are other factors, such as lifestyle, diet, violence, and accidents. Life expectancy at birth in the U.S is lower than comparable countries. <~~You need to add data and your source here. It's not a good idea to make sweeping generalizations without facts! Many people in the US do not exercise or eat healthfully. <~~You need to expand on that last sentence, too. Add + and - examples.

Remember, you're writing about a country that has over 327,000,000 people. Generalizations are rather risky.

Your answer is on the right track! Lifestyle choices do contribute to longer life expectancy in individuals. Here's a revised version of your answer:

"Yes, lifestyle choices play a significant role in determining life expectancy. Factors such as diet, exercise, and overall health behaviors have been shown to impact longevity. For example, individuals in countries with longer life expectancies tend to have healthier eating habits and engage in regular physical activity. In contrast, in the United States, many people do not prioritize healthy eating or exercise, which may contribute to a lower life expectancy compared to other nations. It is important to note that while lifestyle choices are important, there are also other factors such as quality of healthcare and access to preventive health services that influence life expectancy as well."

In your notes, you have already identified some of the key factors that can affect life expectancy, such as access to healthcare, lifestyle choices, diet, violence, and accidents. You can use these points to further develop your answer. Additionally, it might be helpful to mention that socioeconomic factors can also play a role in life expectancy, as individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.