when the longitude ofatown Y where timeis 8am and whenthetime ofanother town X [longitude30digree east is 2pm the sameday pleese give the answer

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To determine the time difference between two towns with different longitudes, you need to calculate the time difference for every degree of longitude.

First, let's calculate the time difference for one degree of longitude. The Earth completes one full rotation in 24 hours, which is equal to 360 degrees of longitude. Therefore, each degree of longitude represents a time difference of (24 hours / 360 degrees) = 4 minutes.

Now, let's find the longitude difference between town X and town Y.

Longitude of town Y (where the time is 8 am) = ?
time of another town X (longitude 30 degrees east) = 2 pm

Longitude difference = 30 degrees east - 0 degrees (longitude of town Y) = 30 degrees

To calculate the time difference between town X and town Y, we use the formula:
Time difference = Longitude difference * Time difference per degree of longitude

Time difference = 30 degrees * 4 minutes per degree = 120 minutes = 2 hours

Since town X is ahead of town Y by 2 hours, we can calculate the time in town Y by subtracting 2 hours from the time in town X.

2 pm - 2 hours = 12 pm (noon)

Therefore, the time in town Y is 12 pm (noon) when the time in town X is 2 pm.