1. Which of the following was true about the life of a slave?

A. they were seen as property

2. What was the purpose of the underground railroad?
B. to help slaves escape to freedom

3. Which of the following were ways in which slaves fought back against slavery?
A. setting fires to their master's property
B.runnng away to freedom

100% for connections academy: Lesson 6: Slavery in Georgia
45.0090001 Georgia State History 8 A Unit 4: From the Constitution to the Civil War

thank you smmm 100%

anonymous is right

Thanks annonymous got 100. come on shadow we need to go train with deku.

Anonymous is correct for Connexus in November 2021 Unit 4 Lesson 6. Tysmmmm i got 100%!!!!! <3

TYSM!!! I am so grateful for you! Thanks thanks THANKS for this anonymous (from 2019) 100%!!!!

To find the answer to these questions, you refer to the lesson material from Connections Academy: Lesson 6: Slavery in Georgia, which is part of the Georgia State History 8 A Unit 4: From the Constitution to the Civil War.

1. Which of the following was true about the life of a slave?
To answer this question, you would review the information provided in Lesson 6 about the life of a slave in Georgia. According to the lesson, slaves were seen as property, so the correct answer would be A. They were seen as property.

2. What was the purpose of the underground railroad?
To find the answer to this question, you would refer to the information provided in Lesson 6 about the underground railroad. According to the lesson, the purpose of the underground railroad was to help slaves escape to freedom. Therefore, the correct answer would be B. To help slaves escape to freedom.

3. Which of the following were ways in which slaves fought back against slavery?
Similar to the previous questions, you would review the information provided in Lesson 6 about how slaves fought back against slavery. According to the lesson, slaves engaged in various forms of resistance, such as setting fires to their master's property and running away to freedom. Therefore, the correct answers would be A. Setting fires to their master's property and B. Running away to freedom.

By referring to the specific lesson and unit mentioned and reviewing the information provided in the lesson material, you can confidently answer these questions.