Bach received his musical training from?

A.formal schools
B.the church
C.his family***
D.himself; he was self taught

This might be a little late but the answers are

1. A
2. C
3. B

Raul is 100% correct

The correct answer is C. his family.

Johann Sebastian Bach received his musical training primarily from his family. He was born into a family of musicians and came from a long lineage of talented musicians. Both of his parents were musicians, and his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was a court trumpeter and a director of a town's musicians. Bach's uncles and other relatives were also skilled musicians.

Bach's family played a significant role in his musical education. He received his initial training from his father and older brother, Johann Christoph Bach, who was a professional organist. They taught him how to play the violin, harpsichord, and organ, as well as the fundamentals of music theory.

Furthermore, Bach's family connections also provided him with opportunities to learn from other renowned musicians of the time. For instance, he studied with his cousin Johann Ludwig Bach, who was an organist and a composer.

While Bach did receive some formal schooling in his early years, including basic education and religious training, his musical education was predominantly nurtured within his family. Thus, option C, his family, is the correct answer to this question.

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