estimate the product by rounding to the nearest thousand

7 x 3289=

7 * 3000 = ?


To estimate the product of 7 x 3289 by rounding to the nearest thousand, we will round the number 3289 to the nearest thousand, which is 3000.

Now, we multiply 7 by 3000.

7 x 3000 = 21,000.

Therefore, when rounded to the nearest thousand, the estimated product of 7 x 3289 is 21,000.

To estimate the product of 7 x 3289 by rounding to the nearest thousand, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Round the factors to the nearest thousand.
- For 7, the nearest thousand is 0 since it is less than 500. Therefore, round 7 to 0.
- For 3289, the nearest thousand is 3000 since it is closer to 3000 than to 4000. Therefore, round 3289 to 3000.

Step 2: Multiply the rounded factors.
- Multiply the rounded factors 0 x 3000 = 0.

Therefore, the estimated product of 7 x 3289 when rounded to the nearest thousand is 0.