Which ratios can form a proportion?

A. 20\25 , 14\21
B. 10\23 , 18\7
C. 5\45 , 4\36
D. 5\4 , 4\5

thanks old man oobleck ;)

C is correct

Lmao "Old man Oobleck"

C is correct

Oops I forgot to put my answer lol

I think its c?

Somebody please help


C is right

Thank You Ya'll 🤎

To determine which ratios can form a proportion, we need to compare the given ratios and check if they are equal to each other.

Let's check each option:

A. 20/25 and 14/21
To check if these ratios are equal, we can simplify them:
20/25 simplifies to 4/5, and 14/21 simplifies to 2/3.
Since these simplified ratios are not equal (4/5 is not equal to 2/3), option A does not form a proportion.

B. 10/23 and 18/7
Again, simplifying these ratios:
10/23 cannot be simplified any further, and 18/7 cannot be simplified either.
Since these simplified ratios are not equal (10/23 is not equal to 18/7), option B does not form a proportion.

C. 5/45 and 4/36
Simplifying the ratios:
5/45 simplifies to 1/9, and 4/36 simplifies to 1/9.
Since these simplified ratios are equal (1/9 is equal to 1/9), option C forms a proportion.

D. 5/4 and 4/5
Simplifying the ratios:
Both 5/4 and 4/5 are already in their simplest form.
Since these simplified ratios are equal (5/4 is equal to 4/5), option D forms a proportion.

Therefore, the ratios that can form a proportion are:
C. 5/45 , 4/36
D. 5/4 , 4/5