First Read Rattle snake hunt.

1 In rattle snake hunt the hunters are able to catch them more easily because?
a they are hungry
b they are inactive
c they are overheated
d the snakes are afraid of them

b is the answer...

To answer this question, we need to refer to the text "Rattle snake hunt" and identify the reasons why the hunters are able to catch the rattlesnakes more easily. By reading the text, we can gather information about the behavior of the rattlesnakes and the conditions that make them more vulnerable to being caught.

Here are steps you can follow to find the answer:

1. Locate the text "Rattle snake hunt" and read through it.
2. Look for any information that describes the behavior or characteristics of the rattlesnakes.
3. Pay attention to any details that mention why the hunters are able to catch the rattlesnakes more easily.
4. Look for specific reasons, such as hunger, inactivity, overheating, or fear, that could explain the easier capture.

Once you have gathered the relevant information from the text, you will be able to choose the correct answer.

I don't think any tutor here has read this story. You should re-read it and maybe re-re-read it, and decide based on the story.