You, Me and Mask

Around these faces,
A perfect disguise
From within the truth,
I dare not say.

The truth within, is locked away.
The perfect disguise is out to act.
The masked individual, I dare not say.
The lie they live, is the only escape

The loneliness lingers in a crowd of people
I dare not say what he’s become.
The face disguised, just cries alone
The mask is off now he is exposed

The truth within is open and free
I say the truth to the outside eyes
I dare not mask who I’ve become
The lie they lived is now a truth

The truth within is not what I fear
The fear is truth that people will hear
The face today may be unmasked
The face tomorrow

I can’t seem to find poetic devices and connotation. I’m having difficulty

Be sure to read this out loud — or have someone else read it to you. Poetry is meant to be heard, not just read. Sound devices are usually very important to poets.
Use the lists at the left on each website as the tables of contents.

Certainly, there's no rhyme in this.
There is repetition. Do you hear it?
Notice the first lines in stanzas 2, 3, and 5. What do you think about these? Are opposites being used? If so, for what purpose, do you think?

Keep reading it aloud. Do you hear the meter? The rhythm? Can you identify it?

Poetic devices and connotation are important literary elements that can add depth and meaning to a poem. Here are a few examples to help you identify them in the poem "You, Me and Mask":

1. Imagery: The poem creates vivid images through its words. For instance, phrases like "perfect disguise," "locked away," and "loneliness lingers in a crowd of people" appeal to our senses and paint a picture in our minds.

2. Metaphor: The concept of the "mask" in the poem can be seen as a metaphor for hiding one's true self or emotions. It represents the idea of putting on a façade to conceal what lies beneath.

3. Personification: The poet personifies the mask, referring to it as an individual with actions and intentions. This personification adds depth to the theme of deception and the internal struggle to reveal the truth.

4. Repetition: The repetition of certain phrases like "I dare not say" and "The truth within" creates a rhythmic pattern and emphasizes their significance. It also adds a lyrical quality to the poem.

Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word carries beyond its literal meaning. In this poem, some words may have deeper connotations:

1. Disguise: The word "disguise" suggests more than just concealment; it implies a deliberate attempt to deceive or hide something important.

2. Truth: The repeated mention of truth suggests that there is an underlying desire to reveal one's true self, despite the fear or consequences that may arise from it. The word connotes honesty and authenticity.

3. Loneliness: The word "loneliness" implies a sense of isolation and emotional emptiness, even in the midst of a crowd. It suggests a deeper emotional struggle or disconnect that the masked individual experiences.

By identifying and analyzing these poetic devices and connotations in the poem, you can gain a deeper understanding of the themes and emotions being conveyed. Remember to consider the context, tone, and overall message of the poem as well.