pls HELP

Eric owns and operates the Hot Ham food truck. The expression 3.25b+2h gives the cost of b burgers and h hot dogs.
What is the cost of 4 burgers and 6 hot dogs?

(3.25 * 4) + (2 * 6) = _______

Errr... $25?

approximately :)

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its 25

To find the cost of 4 burgers and 6 hot dogs using the given expression, you need to substitute b = 4 and h = 6 into the expression 3.25b + 2h.

Let's calculate it step by step:
1. Replace b with 4: 3.25 * 4 + 2h
2. Multiply: 13 + 2h
3. Replace h with 6: 13 + 2 * 6
4. Multiply: 13 + 12
5. Add: 25

Therefore, the cost of 4 burgers and 6 hot dogs from the Hot Ham food truck is $25.