The distance round a great circle is 40000km.What is the diameter of the great circle?

2 pi r = 40,000

D = 2 r = 40,000/pi

This is Trash...... There is no answer

The distance around a great circle is equal to the circumference of that circle. The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = πd, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter.

Given that the distance around the great circle is 40000 km, we can set up the equation as:

40000 km = πd

To find the diameter, we can divide both sides of the equation by π:

40000 km / π = d

Using a calculator, we can approximate the value of π as 3.14159:

40000 km / 3.14159 ≈ d

d ≈ 12732.2 km

Therefore, the diameter of the great circle is approximately 12732.2 kilometers.

To find the diameter of a great circle given its distance around the circle (also known as the circumference), you can use the formula for the circumference of a circle:

C = π * d

Here, C represents the circumference, π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159, and d represents the diameter.

Since you know that the distance around the great circle is 40000 km, you can substitute this value into the equation:

40000 = π * d

To solve for d, divide both sides of the equation by π:

d = 40000 / π

Calculating this expression yields:

d ≈ 12732.455 km

Therefore, the diameter of the great circle is approximately 12732.455 km.