which type of communication uses gestures and tone of voice that can seem threatening to the other person? (1) aggressive (2) assertive (3) cooperation

Hi! I hope these answers help you :D (Ps, these answers are in connexus for PE)

1. aggressive
2. denying your own feelings and making excuses
3. body language

My name says it all

what are the answers

Thx Livie S <3

You are a 10000% correct!!!

you go girl how does it feel to get a comment from youtube star piper everybody see my new music video bby to yall

Most likely #1 because sounding aggressive can be a sign of violence.


that's not a piper rockelle

The type of communication that uses gestures and tone of voice that can seem threatening to the other person is (1) aggressive communication.

To understand this, it's important to know the definitions of different communication styles:

1. Aggressive Communication: Aggressive communication involves expressing one's opinions, needs, and desires in a forceful and hostile manner. It often involves raised voices, hostile body language, and confrontational gestures that can intimidate or threaten the other person.

2. Assertive Communication: Assertive communication involves expressing oneself confidently, directly, and respectfully while respecting the rights and opinions of others. It focuses on expressing thoughts and feelings without aggression or passivity, promoting healthy and effective communication.

3. Cooperation/Cooperative Communication: Cooperative communication emphasizes working together and finding mutually beneficial solutions. It involves active listening, empathy, and open-mindedness, fostering collaboration and understanding.

In the given options, (2) assertive communication and (3) cooperative communication do not involve gestures and tones of voice that appear threatening. However, (1) aggressive communication does include such intimidating gestures and tones of voice.

So, the correct answer to your question is (1) aggressive communication.

Which of those words involves "threatening"?

If you're not sure, look them up here: