Is there any abstract noun start with letter x and z?

There is zest and xenophobia

Here's one way to find out.

Go to
Type ~~> x*
Press Enter and scroll through the results. You may need to re-do the search by using xa* (and then re-do, using the other vowels, if needed)

Then do the same thing with z* and/or za* (etc.).

It'll take some time to scroll through these, but it's the only way I know of to hunt for something like this.

Yes, there are abstract nouns that start with the letters x and z. Here are some examples:

Abstract nouns that start with "x":
1. Xenophobia: the fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners.
2. Xenoarchaeology: the study of ancient artifacts or remains from other cultures or civilizations.

Abstract nouns that start with "z":
1. Zeal: great enthusiasm or devotion towards a cause or goal.
2. Zenith: the highest point or culmination of something.
3. Zest: great enjoyment or enthusiasm.
4. Zealotry: excessive or fanatical devotion to a cause or belief.

Yes, there are abstract nouns that start with the letters "x" and "z." Here are a few examples:

1. X-factor: This term refers to a special quality or characteristic that sets someone or something apart from others.
2. Xenophobia: This is the fear, hatred, or prejudice against people from other countries or cultures.
3. Zeal: This noun describes a great enthusiasm or passion for something.

To find abstract nouns that start with specific letters, you can use dictionaries or online resources. These tools allow you to search for words based on the first letter or a specific category, such as abstract nouns. You can also consult word lists or brainstorm your own ideas by considering concepts or qualities that are not tangible or physical.