Which of the following was the main goal of the code of chivalry?

A. to train sons of nobles how to fight

B. to regulate life on the manor

C. to teach knights how to behave honorably

D. to increase the power of monarchs

Pls help as fast as you can don't go to fast though i can wait a little bit but not to long Thanks!

1: fiefs

2: life of peasant: worked on lords land, lived and worked on a manor. life of vassal: served the lord in battle, received a fief.
3: to teach knights how to behave honorably
4: Lords
5: Muslims: Sicily. Magyars: Hungary. Vikings: Scandinavia

there you go :)

I believe that it is C, but not too sure...

Here are the CORRECT answers for connexus.

1, D. fiefs
2, Life of a Peasant: Life of a Peasant

lived and worked on a manor

worked the lord's land

Life of a Vassal

served the lord in battle

received a fief in exchange for service

3, C.
to teach knights how to behave honorably

4, C.

5, Magyars
conquered Hungary

conquered Sicily

invaded from Scandinavia


Ms.Sue just agrees with someone and lies maybe that's why she's not a Mrs.Sue.


I will give yall the answers just wait

@cunnexus user is 100% THANK YOUUUUUUU:))) <33

To determine the main goal of the code of chivalry, we can analyze each option and understand the purpose behind the code. The code of chivalry was a set of rules and values followed by knights during the medieval period. It guided their behavior and defined their duties.

A. to train sons of nobles how to fight: While training in combat was an important aspect of knighthood, it was not the main goal of the code of chivalry.

B. to regulate life on the manor: Regulating life on the manor was not the primary purpose of the code of chivalry. It focused more on the behavior and conduct of knights rather than everyday life on the manor.

C. to teach knights how to behave honorably: The code of chivalry primarily aimed to teach knights how to behave honorably. It promoted virtues such as bravery, loyalty, honesty, courtesy, and respect towards women. These values guided knights in their interactions with others and in upholding the ideals of chivalry.

D. to increase the power of monarchs: While the code of chivalry was influenced by the relationship between knights and the monarchs they served, its main goal was not to increase the power of monarchs. It was more centered around the character and conduct of knights themselves.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. to teach knights how to behave honorably. The code of chivalry emphasized honorable behavior and noble virtues in the conduct of knights.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

Yes, C is correct.