Think about the selections by European writers you have read in this unit. Do these writers seem to have concerns that are different from those of writers from the Americas? In a fully developed paragraph, analyze these concerns and give examples of why you think concerns are the same or different.

Ms. Sue you're as useful as a white crayon

Can someone please answer this?

@Steve she has passed away go search it up so dont say that

To analyze the concerns of European writers compared to those from the Americas, you can start by identifying the common themes and issues prevalent in the works of both groups. Begin by reviewing the literature you have read in this unit, focusing on the underlying concerns and motifs.

Start by making a list of the most prominent concerns raised by European writers. Consider themes such as post-colonialism, existentialism, individualism, war, class struggle, and cultural identity. For example, Albert Camus raises existential concerns in his works like "The Stranger" and "The Plague," while Franz Kafka delves into themes of alienation and bureaucracy in "The Metamorphosis" and other stories.

Next, proceed to evaluate the works of American writers included in the unit. Be sure to consider how they address their concerns and how they differ from or overlap with the concerns of European writers. American authors often explore issues like race, identity, the American Dream, social inequality, and political activism. For instance, consider works such as Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man," addressing racial identity in America, or F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," exploring the illusion of the American Dream.

Now, draw comparisons between the concerns of European and American writers. Look for overlapping themes or issues that span across both groups. For example, the struggles with personal identity and alienation can be found in both European and American literature. Additionally, the impacts of historical events like World War II are themes that resonate in the works of both European and American writers.

To fully develop your paragraph, provide specific evidence from the literature you have read in this unit to support your analysis. Cite examples from works by European and American writers to illustrate similarities and differences in their concerns. This approach will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the literature and your ability to analyze the concerns of these writers.

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