would you classify the number 190 as a perfect square , a perfect cube, both, or neither?


13^2 = 169
14^2 = 196
similarly for cubes

To determine if the number 190 is a perfect square, perfect cube, or neither, we need to find the square root and the cube root of 190.

First, let's find the square root of 190. We can use a calculator or an online tool to calculate the square root, which gives us approximately 13.784, rounded to three decimal places. Since the square root of 190 is not a whole number, 190 is not a perfect square.

Next, let's find the cube root of 190. Again, using a calculator or an online tool, we calculate the cube root as approximately 5.848, rounded to three decimal places. Similar to before, since the cube root of 190 is not a whole number, 190 is not a perfect cube.

Therefore, the number 190 is neither a perfect square nor a perfect cube.