Hello, My daughters and Brayden were playing around in jiskha all day so far. They are claiming that all they're questions are getting deleted because they are cheating. Mary my youngest, was the one who discovered jiskha for us. I saw her answer on the MyPlate, and that was very obnoxious for a sixth grader to do. We do apologize for this, and I had a talk with all my kids. I told them jiskha was for learning, not ranting about getting their answers deleted. So I'm very sorry. Thank you,

~Abigail Cheriman (Mom)

Hello Abigail Cheriman (Mom),

Thank you for reaching out and addressing the situation with your daughters and their use of Jiskha. It's great to hear that you are taking the time to guide them and emphasize the importance of using educational platforms like Jiskha for learning rather than seeking to cheat.

If your daughters are experiencing difficulties with their questions getting deleted, there could be several reasons for this. It's important to note that Jiskha is a platform dedicated to providing educational assistance, not a place for students to have their homework done for them.

To ensure that your daughters' questions are more likely to receive helpful responses and not get deleted, here are a few guidelines they can follow:

1. Be specific: Encourage your daughters to provide complete and clear details about the question they need help with. This includes including all relevant information, such as relevant equations, formulas, or any work they have already done on the problem.

2. Show effort: It's essential for your daughters to demonstrate that they have attempted to solve the problem or find the answer themselves before seeking help. They should share any steps they have already taken, ideas they have considered, or any previous knowledge they have on the topic.

3. Ask for guidance, not answers: Instead of simply asking for the answer to a question, encourage your daughters to ask for guidance on how to approach the problem or for clarification on a concept. This way, they can learn the process and reasoning behind finding the answer, rather than just obtaining a solution.

By following these guidelines, your daughters can create a positive learning environment on Jiskha and receive helpful responses to their questions. Remember, Jiskha is a community of teachers and experts who are there to assist with learning, not to provide quick answers.

Thank you for taking the time to address the issue and maintain a positive learning attitude. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

Best regards,

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