The cost of cabin lodging is $25 per lodger. The equation y = 25x relates the total lodging cost (y) to the number of lodgers (x). Identify the unit rate in the equation.

unit rate is dollars per lodger

It is also the slope of the line.

so, what do you think?

This doesnt make any since

In the given equation y = 25x, y represents the total lodging cost and x represents the number of lodgers. To identify the unit rate in this equation, we need to look at the coefficient of x, which is 25.

In this case, the coefficient (25) represents the cost ($) per lodger. The unit rate is a way of expressing a ratio where the denominator is 1. Here, the unit rate represents the cost per lodger.

Therefore, the unit rate in the equation y = 25x is $25 per lodger.