What is the denotative meaning of detritus as it is used in the sentence below?

It is dumbfounding to think that each piece of detritus in a shooting star could be the size of a small rock otherwise known as a meteoroid.

A. backlog
B. accumulation
C. silt
D. matter

The answer is matter

it’s matter?

What do you think?


Thank you mrs sue for the quick response and I think that its C?!

Oh, I thought it was that one but now I see that it's like a clay. But I guess the only other one could be A: backlog?

So wtf is the answer

The question is asking about detritus, if you were to look up the word detritus or click the link Ms.Sue gave, you would see that the word means debris or rubble in a more simple term so the correct response would be matter as it is a kind of debris and rubble.

It is not silt. (I don't think you know what silt is.)
