Does Shakespeare view madness with a “discerning eye” in Hamlet? Are the actions of his “mad’ characters ‘divinest sense” or are they simply exhibiting “eccentric behavior”?

How would I set up this essay ?

Obviously, you'll need a thesis statement, but you might want to do some reading before you write that. You should research how "madness" is defined and used over time, and then research how people define "eccentric" in their particular cultures. Then focus those definitions on the British understanding of the two terms in the 1600s or so.

Then start considering the characters. Choose two or three who would fit in with your definitions for madness and eccentricity.
Scroll down to the Characters section and read all you can about the characters you have chosen — and other characters if they turn out to be better examples.

For your thesis statement, you'll need to decide if you lean on the side of "these characters are truly mad" or "these characters are quite eccentric, but not really mad."
Here are some thesis statement examples so you write a good one!

And here is a terrific website about how to write a good essay:

is this thesis okay ?

Shakespeare does view madness with a “discerning eye” in the play Hamlet as he was able to portray Hamlets’ eccentric behavior as feigned madness while Ophelia was truly mad.
Here I would be focusing on Hamlet as an example for eccentric behavior and Ophelia as an example for true madness
But I still need help on how I would set the essay up

Yes, your thesis is fine as long as you are simply exploring and explaining both points. If you're writing a "normal" essay, not an argumentative or persuasion essay, this will do fine.

Here's a possible outline you could follow:

I. Intro incl thesis at the end (written last, not first!)
II. 2-3 paragraphs about Hamlet (not truly mad, simply eccentric)
III. 1-2 paragraphs about Ophelia (truly mad, not eccentric)
IV. Conclusion
Use several of the sections linked here to help you with each part of the essay.

To set up an essay on whether Shakespeare views madness in Hamlet with a "discerning eye" or if the actions of the "mad" characters have "divinest sense" or are simply exhibiting "eccentric behavior," you can follow a basic essay structure. Here's a suggested outline to get you started:

1. Introduction:
- Introduce the topic of madness in Shakespeare's Hamlet and its portrayal by the "mad" characters.
- Provide background information on the play and its historical context.
- State your thesis statement that will guide your essay and express your stance on how Shakespeare views madness.

2. Definition of madness in Hamlet:
- Discuss how madness is depicted in the play, both through the words and actions of the characters.
- Analyze the different forms of madness presented in the play, such as Hamlet's feigned madness and Ophelia's genuine insanity.

3. Shakespeare's portrayal of madness:
- Examine how Shakespeare depicts madness through a discerning eye.
- Explore the depth and complexity of the "mad" characters, such as Hamlet and Ophelia.
- Analyze Shakespeare's use of language, imagery, and symbolism to convey the mental state of these characters.

4. The "divinest sense" of madness:
- Discuss instances where the actions or words of the "mad" characters provide insight or reveal significant truths.
- Cite specific examples from the play to support your argument.

5. Eccentric behavior:
- Explore instances where the actions of the "mad" characters can be interpreted as mere eccentricities or erratic behavior.
- Discuss how societal norms and expectations shape these interpretations.

6. Contradictions and ambiguities:
- Acknowledge the complexities and contradictions surrounding the portrayal of madness in Hamlet.
- Discuss how seemingly erratic behavior can also be seen as a response to the traumatic events and the characters' internal struggles.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement.
- Provide a concise assessment of whether Shakespeare views madness with a discerning eye or if the "mad" characters exhibit divinest sense or eccentric behavior.
- Offer your own interpretation and analysis, concluding with a thought-provoking statement.

Remember to support your arguments with textual evidence from the play and to analyze the different perspectives from which madness can be viewed.