1cmto10km.Find The Scale?By Geography

Isn't that the scale? 1 cm. to 10 km

1 cm : 1 km

= 1 cm : 1000 m
= 1 cm : 100000 cm
= 1 : 100,000

To find the scale in geography, we can use the ratio of the distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. In this case, we are given that 1 centimeter on the map represents 10 kilometers on the ground.

To calculate the scale, we divide the distance on the map by the corresponding distance on the ground.

Scale = Distance on the map / Distance on the ground

In this case, the distance on the map is 1 centimeter, and the distance on the ground is 10 kilometers.

Scale = 1 cm / 10 km

Since we want the scale to be expressed in a consistent unit, let's convert kilometers to centimeters:
1 kilometer = 100,000 centimeters

Scale = 1 cm / (10 km * 100,000 cm/km)

Scale = 1 / 1,000,000

Therefore, the scale of this map is 1:1,000,000. This means that one centimeter on the map represents one million centimeters (or 10 kilometers) on the ground.