can i be an musician when am doing those subjects

mathslit geography history life science

Of course.

It would help to take music courses.

Being a musician does not depend solely on the subjects you are studying. However, certain subjects can contribute to your musical abilities and career prospects. Let's explore how each subject can be relevant:

1. Math: Mathematics develops problem-solving skills and analytical thinking, which can be beneficial when reading musical scores, understanding music theory, and organizing complex rhythms.

2. Life Science: This subject may not directly relate to music, but it can help you develop critical thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. This knowledge can inspire your creativity and broaden your perspective as a musician.

3. Geography: Geography teaches you about different cultures, their music, and how music varies across regions. Understanding global musical traditions can enrich your compositions and performances, giving you a unique perspective as a musician.

4. History: Studying history can help you understand the development of music throughout different periods and how it has influenced societies. It provides context for various musical styles and can inspire you to incorporate historical elements into your own work.

While these subjects can complement your musical journey, your passion, dedication, and musical skills are crucial for becoming a successful musician. Remember to continue practicing, exploring different genres, learning musical techniques, and seeking opportunities to perform and collaborate with other musicians.