What was the main issue the divided people in South Asia

The main issue that divided people in South Asia was the partition of British India in 1947. This partition resulted in the creation of two independent nations – India and Pakistan. The division was primarily along religious lines, with India being predominantly Hindu and Pakistan being established as a separate homeland for Muslims.

To understand this issue, one can explore the historical events and socio-political factors leading up to the partition. This includes the demand for separate representation and protection of Muslim interests by the All India Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The idea of a separate nation for Muslims gained traction due to fears of Hindu domination and concerns about the protection of minority rights.

There were several underlying reasons for this division, including the differences in religious and cultural identities between Hindus and Muslims, as well as territorial disputes and power struggles. The demand for a separate Muslim-majority state gained momentum, resulting in the creation of Pakistan as a separate nation, comprising two geographically separated regions: East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (present-day Pakistan).

It is crucial to study the historical context, ideological differences, and political developments in order to grasp the complex factors that led to the division of people in South Asia during the partition.

Weather to seek independence from Britain

Weather to cooperate with Britain during World War II
Religious just differences between Hindus and Muslims
Religious differences between Hindus and Sikhs

I see two conflicts in southern Asia during the 1930s and 40s.

The answer you need to put on your test is in your reading assignment.

Wwich one is it