
What operation do I do with x?

For whatever number x is, it will remain positive when evaluated. The point of the absolute value function is to determine the distance a number is from zero. Distance is NEVER negative, only positive. Hope that helps.

x is in absolute value bars. Just saying it will be positive no matter what even if it was negative. Treat it as 2(x) -1

wait are you just wondering what it is or how to graph/solve it?

Ohh I get it now, thanks a lot!

To find the operation you need to perform with x in the equation y = 2|x| - 1, you need to understand the concept of absolute value.

The absolute value of x, denoted as |x|, represents the distance between x and zero on the number line. It is always positive or zero.

In the given equation, the absolute value of x is being multiplied by 2 and then subtracted by 1. Therefore, the operation you need to perform with x is taking its absolute value.

To find the value of y for a specific x, follow these steps:
1. Take the absolute value of x.
2. Multiply the absolute value of x by 2.
3. Subtract 1 from the result obtained in step 2.

For example, if x = -3, follow these steps:
1. Take the absolute value of -3, which is 3.
2. Multiply 3 by 2, which equals 6.
3. Subtract 1 from 6, which gives you y = 5.

So, for different values of x, perform these three steps to determine the corresponding value of y.