75% of the students in sixth grade attend tutoring before school. If 96 students attend tutoring, how many students are in sixth grade?

0.75x = 96

Solve for x.

So you make the equation 3/4=96/x and solve because 3/4 is the same thing as 75%

To find the total number of students in sixth grade, we can use the given information that 75% of the students attend tutoring before school.

Let's set up a proportion between the number of students attending tutoring and the total number of students in sixth grade.

Let 'x' be the total number of students in sixth grade.

We can write the proportion as:

(75/100) = (96/x)

To solve for 'x', we can cross-multiply:

75x = 96 * 100

Now, we can divide both sides of the equation by 75 to find the value of 'x':

x = (96 * 100) / 75

x ≈ 128

Therefore, there are approximately 128 students in sixth grade.