The model represents 100% of the cost of a trip to the Bahamas.Which model represents the cost of the trip if the trip cost is discounted 26%?


1 - .26 = .74

Its 74

To find the cost of the trip with a 26% discount, you need to subtract 26% from 100%.

Step 1: Convert 26% to decimal form by dividing it by 100:
26% ÷ 100 = 0.26

Step 2: Subtract the decimal value from 1 to get the remaining percentage:
1 - 0.26 = 0.74

Step 3: Multiply the remaining percentage by the original cost of the trip:
0.74 x original cost of the trip = cost with a 26% discount

Therefore, the model that represents the cost of the trip with a 26% discount is 0.74 times the original cost of the trip.

To find the cost of the trip with a discount of 26%, you need to subtract the discounted amount from the original cost.

First, convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 26/100 = 0.26.

Next, subtract the discounted amount, which is the original cost multiplied by the decimal representation of the discount, from the original cost. In this case, the original cost is represented as 100%.

So, the cost of the trip with a 26% discount can be calculated as follows:

Cost with discount = Original cost - (Original cost * Discount percentage)
= 100% - (100% * 0.26)
= 100% - 26%
= 74%

Therefore, the model that represents the cost of the trip with a 26% discount is the one that represents 74% of the original cost.