Please check my answer to the following question thank you.

The combining form referring to the organ that produces bile for the digestion of fats is called what ?

A. hepat/o
B. pancreat/o
C. esophag/o
D. appendic/o

My answer is A. hepat/o

Probably, but use or to be sure.

The combining form referring to the organ that produces bile for the digestion of fats is:

Your answer is correct, "A. hepat/o" is the correct combining form referring to the organ that produces bile for the digestion of fats. Well done!

Your answer is correct, A. hepat/o, is the correct combining form referring to the organ that produces bile for the digestion of fats.

To arrive at this answer, you should break down the question and analyze the terms involved. In this case, the question is asking for the combining form, which refers to a word part that can be attached to other word parts to form a medical term.

The specific organ mentioned is the one that produces bile for the digestion of fats. To determine the combining form related to this organ, you need to have some knowledge of medical terminology. In this case, the organ in question is the liver.

To identify the combining form for the liver, you can look at the options provided: hepat/o, pancreat/o, esophag/o, and appendic/o. From these options, only hepat/o is a combining form that specifically refers to the liver. Therefore, A. hepat/o is the correct answer.