Hello! I am writing a short answer to a question about the selection "Rattlesnake Hunt" about the feelings conveyed in the following passage.

"I took the snake in my hands. It was not cold, it was not clammy, and it lay trustingly in my hands, a thing that lived and breathed and had mortality like the rest of us. I felt an upsurgence of spirit."

What I want the word to mean is that the narrator understands that the snake is not so different than us. It isn't mean or bad, but rather has life like the rest of us. Can anyone help me find a word for that?

Thank you so much!

I think it's b, then d. I'm not sure,

What’s the answers for the third read I need them asap

Post the answers, please?

Certainly! The word you are looking for to describe the understanding that the snake is similar to humans and possesses life like us is "empathy". "Empathy" refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, in this case, the narrator's ability to connect with the snake's existence. To express this in your short answer, you can say, "The passage conveys a sense of empathy as the narrator perceives the snake as a living being with mortality, just like humans."

When writing a short answer, it is important to analyze the passage and explain how it conveys a specific emotion or idea. In this case, you have identified empathy as the feeling conveyed in the passage and provided evidence to support your interpretation.

I doubt there is any ONE such word, but what I think you’re after is something like this: fellow living creature

Ok, thanks for the help! 😊

Anonymous I took the quiz already. Post your answers and I can check them for you.

Can someone help me with the third read plzzz

1 part A: how does the author change during the events described in rattlesnake hunt
A:she learns how to build a campfire
B:she loses much of her fear of rattlesnakes
C: she becomes able to pick up multiple rattlesnake a with her hands at once
D:she learns how to tell whether rattlesnakes are in their holes
1 part B: which quote from the text best supports your response to the previous question
A: it seemed to me that I should drop in my tracks
B: again because I was ashamed, I took the snake in my hands
C: a rattler will lie quietly without revealing itself if a man passes by and thinks it's not seen
D: Back at the creek, I felt a new lightness

