Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Native American societies during the Mississippian Period?

walled settlements with a complex political organization

leisure activities such as tattooing, making arts and crafts, and smoking

simple writing systems for recording important traditions and events

large temple mounds for ceremonies

My answer: A

they wrong its c

simple writing systems for recording important traditions and events

I’m tryna cheat on my midterm you guys are confusing me

guys just tell me the answers im just tryna cheat and get straight a's like I never have in my life

It is C I just took a quiz and made a 100

yo thanks fam, C makes sense either way

it’s c , a is how they built their shelter off of the maters say so. it’s c because they didn’t know how to write etc

thank you, molly

what is the answer?

Well a year passed and I didn’t get straight a’s but I passed lol

no its a because it says NOT a characteristic

the answer is whatever you think

im just kidding its e

I agree.