20 times 60


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dont understand.

To calculate 20 times 60, you simply multiply the two numbers together. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write down the two numbers, 20 and 60.
Step 2: Start by multiplying the rightmost digit of the second number (60) with the first number (20). In this case, 0 multiplied by 20 equals 0.
Step 3: Write down the result (0) below the line, aligned with the rightmost digit of the second number, as you will need to shift it to the left in the next step.
x 60
Step 4: Multiply the next digit of the second number (6) with the first number (20). In this case, 6 multiplied by 20 equals 120.
Step 5: Write down the result (120) below the line, aligned with the next digit of the second number, shifted one place to the left.
x 60
0 <-- 0 shifted to the left
Step 6: Since there are no more digits in the second number, you have completed the multiplication. Now, add up the results from Step 3 and Step 5.
x 60
+ 120
So, 20 times 60 equals 1200.


Are you asking how to multiply 20*60 ?