Find the identity element of R vnder the operation*.


huh? where does the "c" come in?

To find the identity element of the set of real numbers (R) under the operation *, we need to identify an element such that when we perform the operation * with any other real number, the result remains unchanged.

The operation * is not specified in your question, so we cannot determine the identity element without that information. Please provide the definition or operation rules for * in order to proceed with finding the identity element of R under *.

Once the operation * is specified, we can proceed with the following steps to find the identity element:

Step 1: Take an arbitrary real number "x" from the set R.
Step 2: Perform the operation * between the arbitrary real number "x" and any real number "y" from the set R.
Step 3: Observe the result of the operation *.
Step 4: If there exists an element "e" in R such that "x * e = x" for all real numbers "x" in R, then "e" is the identity element.

Please provide the operation * so that we can continue with finding the identity element of R.